Welcome to my shop!
Hello to everyone,
My name is Sevda. I live in turkey. If you love knitting and/or crochet, we have a lot in common! I have been doing both since I was a little girl. I also have a degree in textiles.
Crochet and knit are such big parts of my life that I couldn’t give it up totally. My hands automatically pick the yarn and needle up.
Knowing that just your pair of hands can create objects that stir emotions within yourself and others gives you a quiet sort of power. It’s how I like to express myself without words.
I go further and further in life,finding thread in the chaos and reeling them up into a beautiful slippers of yarn .
Knitting is a great activity for waiting in doctor's offices, at kids' practices and games, on long car rides, planes, and for unwinding at the end of the night.
Happy Hooking and God bless!